Email: chenwangxue2015@163.com
2023/12–至今, 永利集团官网教授
2021/05–至今, 永利集团官网副经理
11.湖南省研究生精品示范课程《抽样调查方法与应用》负责人, 湘教通〔2022〕267 号,湖南省教育厅
10.湖南省社会实践一流课程《数据采集与分析》负责人,湘教通〔2021〕322 号,湖南省教育厅
9.湖南省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,湘教通〔2021〕309 号,湖南省教育厅
4.湘西自治州第18届、第19届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖获得者,湘西自治州科学技术协会, 湘西自治州科学技术局,湘西自治州人力资源与社会保障局
10.2023/01-2026/12: 国家自然科学地区基金项目(12261036),进展顺利
9.2020/01-2022/12: 国家自然科学青年基金项目(11901236),已结题
8.2022/01-2024/12: 湖南省自然科学面上基金项目(2022JJ30469),进展顺利
7.2019/01-2021/12: 湖南省自然科学青年基金项目(2019JJ50479),已结题
6.2022/01-2024/12: 湖南省教育厅重点项目(21A0328),已结题
5.2019/01-2021/12: 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目(18B322),已结题
4.2020/01-2020/12: 湖南省第四次全国经济普查中标课题(湘经普办〔2020〕1号),已结题
3.2018/01-2020/12: 湘西自治州基础理论研究项目(2018SF5026),已结题
2.2020/01-2020/12: 湘西州第四次全国经济普查研究立项课题(州经普办〔2020〕5号),已结题
1.2020/10-2021/05: 花垣县人口普查数据采集与分析,已结题
44.Wang Han, Chen Wangxue*, Li Bingjie. Large sample properties of maximum likelihood estimator using moving extremes ranked set sampling. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2024, 53(2): 398-415. (SCI收录)
43.Chen Meng, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui. Double moving extremes ranked set sampling design. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2024, 40(1): 75-90. (SCI收录)
42.Wang Shuo, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui. Fisher information in ranked set sampling from the simple linear regression model. Communications in Statistics Simulation-Computation, 2024, 53(3): 1274-1284. (SCI&EI收录)
41.Wang Shuo, Chen Wangxue*, Chen Meng, Zhou Yawen. Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the inverse Gaussian distribution using maximum ranked set sampling with unequal samples. Mathematical Population Studies, 2023, 30(1): 1-21. (SSCI&SCI收录)
40.Dong Yanfei, Chen Wangxue*, Xie Minyu. Best linear unbiased estimators of location and scale ranked set parameters under moving extremes sampling design. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2023, 39(2): 222-231. (SCI收录)
39.Shen Bingliang, Chen Wangxue*, Zhou Yawen, Deng Cuihong. Sampling information for generalized Rayleigh distribution with application to parameter estimation. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2023, 47(2): 515-529. (SCI收录)
38.Yang Rui, Chen Wangxue*, Dong Yanfei. Log-extended exponential- geometric parameters estimation using simple random sampling and moving extremes ranked set sampling. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2023, 52(1): 267-277. (SCI&EI收录)
37.Shen Bingliang, Chen Wangxue*, Wang Shuo, Chen Meng. Fisher information for generalized Rayleigh distribution in ranked set sampling design with application to parameter estimation. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 2022, 37(4): 615-630. (SCI收录)
36.Long Chunxian, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui, Yao Dongsen. Ratio estimation of the population mean using auxiliary information under the optimal sampling design. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2022, 36(2): 449-460. (SCI收录)
35.Yao Dongsen, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui, Long Chunxian. Fisher information in moving extreme ranked set sampling with application to parameter estimation. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2022, 35(1): 361-372. (SCI&EI收录)
34.Chen Meng, Chen Wangxue*, Deng Cuihong. Some new results on parameter estimation of the exponential-Poisson distribution in ranked set sampling. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 2022, accepted. (SCI收录)
33.Zhang Jianfeng, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui. Birnbaum-Saunders parameters estimation using simple random sampling and ranked set sampling. Communications in Statistics Simulation-Computation, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2024.2360682. (SCI&EI收录)
32.Chen Meng, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui, Zhou Yawen. Exponential-Poisson parameters estimation in moving extremes ranked set sampling design. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10255-023-1076-1. (SCI收录)
31.Deng Cuihong, Chen Wangxue*. Weighted exponential parameters estimation using maximum ranked set sampling with unequal samples. Communications in Statistics Simulation-Computation, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2024.2404075. (SCI&EI收录)
30.Deng Cuihong, Chen Wangxue*, Zhou Yawen, Yang Rui. Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of weighted exponential distribution in simple random sampling and ranked set sampling. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 2023, accepted. (SCI收录)
29.Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui, Yao Dongsen, Long Chunxian. Pareto parameters estimation using moving extremes ranked set sampling. Statistical Papers, 2021, 62(3): 1195-1211. (SCI收录) 2021年5月/6月,ESI 1% 高被引论文
28.Qian Wenshu, Chen Wangxue*, He Xiaofang. Parameter estimation for the Pareto distribution based on ranked set sampling. Statistical Papers, 2021, 62(1): 395–417. (SCI收录) 2021年3月/4月,2022年5月/6月,ESI 1% 高被引论文
27.He Xiaofang, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui. Modified best linear unbiased estimator of the shape parameter of log-logistic distribution. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,2021,91(2): 383-395. (SCI收录)
26.He Xiaofang, Chen Wangxue*, Yang Rui. Log-logistic parameters estimation using moving extremes ranked set sampling design. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 2021, 36(1): 99-113. (SCI收录)
25.Chen Wangxue*, Long Chunxian, Yang Rui, Yao Dongsen. Maximum likelihood estimator of the location parameter under moving extremes ranked set sampling design. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica , English Series, 2021, 37(1): 101-108. (SCI收录)
24.Yao Dongsen, Chen Wangxue*, Long Chunxian. Parametric estimation for the simple linear regression model under moving extremes ranked set sampling design. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 2021, 36(2): 269-277. (SCI收录)
23.Yang Rui, Chen Wangxue*, Yao Dongsen, Long Chunxian, Dong Yanfei, Shen Bingliang. The efficiency of ranked set sampling design for parameter estimation for the log-extended exponential geometric distribution. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2020, 44(2): 497-507. (SCI收录)
22.He Xiaofang, Chen Wangxue*, Qian Wenshu. Maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the log-logistic distribution. Statistical Papers, 2020, 61(5): 1875-1892. (SCI收录)
21.Chen Wangxue*, Tian Yi, Xie Minyu. The global minimum variance unbiased estimator of the parameter for a truncated parameter family under the optimal ranked set sampling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2018, 88(17): 3399-3414. (SCI收录)
20.Chen Wangxue*, Tian Yi, Xie Minyu. Maximum Likelihood Estimator of the Parameter for a Continuous One-Parameter Exponential Family Under the Optimal Ranked Set Sampling. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2017, 30(6):128-141. (SCI&EI收录)
19.Chen Wangxue, Xie Minyu*, Wu Ming. Modified maximum likelihood estimator of scale parameter using moving extremes ranked set sampling. Communications in Statistics Simulation-Computation, 2016, 45(6): 2232–2240. (SCI&EI收录)
18.Chen Wangxue, Xie Minyu*, Wu Ming. Parametric estimation for the scale parameter for scale distributions using moving extremes ranked set sampling. Statistics & Probability Letters, 2013, 83(9): 2060-2066. (SCI收录)
17.李冰洁, 陈望学*, 汪寒,姜杰. 对称分布下中位数排序集样本均值的有效性证明. 系统科学与数学, 2024, 44(2): 541-550. (CSCD收录)
16.周雅雯, 陈望学*, 邓翠红,杨瑞. 三种抽样设计下Inverse Exponential分布中参数的优良估计. 系统科学与数学,2023,43(4): 1069-1080. (CSCD收录)
15.陈蒙, 陈望学*, 杨瑞. 动态极值排序集抽样设计下Inverse Rayleigh分布的Fisher信息量及其在参数估计中的应用. 应用数学学报,2023,46(5): 791-803. (CSCD收录)
14.沈炳良, 陈望学*, 王硕. 动态极值排序集抽样设计下Rayleigh分布的参数估计. 应用数学学报,2022,45(4): 595-606. (CSCD收录)
13.张建芬, 陈望学*, 王硕,周雅雯. 不同类型排序集抽样下skew-normal分布的Fisher信息量. 系统科学与数学,2022,42(12): 3368-3379. (CSCD收录)
12.陈蒙, 陈望学*, 邓翠红,杨瑞. 排序集抽样下Inverse Rayleigh分布的Fisher信息量及其在参数估计中的应用. 系统科学与数学,2022,42(1): 141-152.(CSCD收录)
11.彭逵安, 陈望学*, 赵洪略. 完美与非完美排序集抽样设计下SBB分布中参数的抽样估计及其性质. 应用数学学报,2024,已接受. (CSCD收录)
10.汪寒, 陈望学*. Bilal分布中参数的修正极大似然估计及其抽样性质. 系统科学与数学,2024,知网在线. (CSCD收录)
9.赵洪略, 陈望学*, 戴文琛, 彭逵安. 完美和非完美排序集抽样下Ailamujia分布中参数的极大似然估计及其性质. 应用数学学报,2024,已接受. (CSCD收录)
8.姜杰, 陈望学*, 汪寒. 不同类型排序集抽样设计下Topp-Leone分布中参数的极大似然估计及其性质. 应用数学学报,2024,知网在线. (CSCD收录)
7.董艳飞, 陈望学*, 沈炳良, 王硕. 非均等最小值排序集抽样下Power-Lindlely分布的极大似然估计. 系统科学与数学, 2021, 41(5): 1418-1429. (CSCD收录)
6.沈炳良, 陈望学*, 董艳飞. 排序集抽样下Rayleigh分布的参数估计. 系统科学与数学, 2021, 41(3): 854-864. (CSCD收录)
5.龙春先, 陈望学*, 杨瑞,姚东森. 优良抽样设计下总体均值的比率估计. 系统科学与数学, 2020, 40(2): 375-381. (CSCD收录)
4.陈望学*, 杨瑞, 谢民育. 完美和非完美中位数排序集抽样下刻度参数的极大似然估计. 应用数学学报, 2020, 43(3): 572-583. (CSCD收录)
3.姚东森, 陈望学*, 杨瑞, 龙春先. 优良抽样设计下Logistic分布中参数的极大似然估计. 系统科学与数学, 2020, 40(2): 233-242. (CSCD收录)
2.杨瑞, 陈望学*, 沈炳良, 龙春先. 排序集抽样下Power-law分布的参数估计. 系统科学与数学, 2020, 40(2): 308-317. (CSCD收录)
1.陈望学, 谢民育*, 刘佳莹,周 焜. 排序集下单指数分布均值的修正极大似然估计. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版) , 2013, 47(6): 739-742. (北大核心)
9. 2019年8月20日-8月23日,全国试验设计分会青年学者论坛邀请报告(兰州财经大学,兰州),报告题目:Maximum likelihood estimator of the location parameter under moving extremes ranked set sampling design.
8.2019年6月,访问并作邀请报告(东北师范大学,吉林),报告题目:The global minimum variance unbiased estimator of the parameter for a truncated parameter family under the optimal ranked set sampling. 网址:http://math.nenu.edu.cn/info/1063/3772.htm
7.2018年11月23日—11月25日,2018年首师大第四届青年统计论坛邀请报告(首都师范大学,北京),报告题目:The global minimum variance unbiased estimator of the parameter for a truncated parameter family under the optimal ranked set sampling.
6. 2018年10月,访问并作邀请报告(中国科学院,北京),报告题目:Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Scale Parameter Using Moving Extremes Ranked Set Sampling. 网址:http://www.amss.cas.cn/mzxsbg/201810/t20181015_5142232.html
5.2018年10月,访问并作邀请报告(首都师范大学,北京),报告题目:MLE for a continuous exponential family with scale and truncation parameters under the optimal ranked set sampling. 网址:http://math.cnu.edu.cn/xzhd1/147828.htm
4. 2018年10月12日—10月14日,2018年全国试验设计与统计科学研讨会(北京理工大学,北京),报告题目:Maximum likelihood estimator of the location parameter under moving extremes ranked set sampling design.
3.2018年4月20日-4月23日,第四届中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会(江西财经大学,南昌),报告题目:Maximum likelihood estimators for a continuous exponential family with scale and truncation parameters under the optimal ranked set sampling.
2.2017年9月22日—9月24日,2017年全国试验设计及其应用研讨会(兰州财经大学,兰州),报告题目:Maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter for a continuous one-parameter exponential family under the optimal ranked set sampling.
1. 2016年11月4日—11月6日, 2016年全国试验设计及其应用研讨会(曲阜师范大学,曲阜),报告题目:Parametric estimation for the scale parameter for scale distributions using moving extremes ranked set sampling.
1.Statistical Papers、Journal of Applied Statistics、Statistics & Probability Letters、Statistics A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics、Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation、Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods、RAIRO-Operations Research等多个SCI源刊审稿人